
At Oncology Consultants, our commitment to genetic testing extends beyond mere information. With the support of our genetic counselors, you can navigate the complexities of genetic testing and create a personalized roadmap based on your specific concerns and goals.

early screening, detection and intervention

Who is eligible for testing?

  • Personal history of breast cancer
  • Personal history of endometrial cancer diagnosed at 50 years old or younger
  • Personal history of ovarian cancer
  • Personal history of colon cancer diagnosed at age 50 years olf or younger
  • Personal history of pancreatic cancer

Family testing


Do you have a blood relative with:

  • Breast cancer at age 49 year old or younger?
  • Two breast cancers in one relative at any age?
  • Three or more breast cancers in relatives on the same side of the family at any age?
  • Ovarian, metastatic or high risk prostate, or male breast cancer at any age?
  • A gene mutation associated with cancer in your family?
  • Three or more Lynch associated cancers in relatives on the same side of the family at any age?
  • Ashkenazie Jewish ancestry with breast cancer in one relative at any age?

If you have answered “yes” to any of the questions above, you may be eligible for genetic testing. 


Genetic testing allows us to develop personalized treatment strategies that target your cancer at its root cause. However, it can be a difficult journey. This is why we provide counseling services related to genetic testing.

Additionally, we also provide a High-Risk Clinic for those with known hereditary genetic mutations, that offers close follow-up and risk reducing interventions. 

Our compassionate team of genetic counselors will guide you through the process with empathy and care, ensuring that you feel informed, empowered, and supported every step of the way.


In-office and Telemedicine Appointments are available 

If you are interested in screening for hereditary cancer genetics, please contact our New Patient Department at:


**All new OC genetic patients must fill out Personal and Family History Questionnaire:

Fill in questionnaire


Patient Satisfaction

If you have already seen one our OC Genetic Specialist, please let us know how your experience went. We would love feedback on how we can improve:

Fill in survey




Our genetics team is dedicated to analyzing genetic data and providing personalized insights. These help us to develop precise, tailored treatment strategies for our patients.

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